Well, Tori loved it. She was so interested in all the fun stuff they had. But the best was when we got to the needlework area and she ran over to the Bernat display with the special edition pink yarns they have for Breast Cancer Awareness month. She ran over to me so excited and said "The is so beautiful Mommy. Please can you make me a hat?". How do you say no to that? You don't - or at least I didn't.
We got home and she watched a movie and played with her new things- some velvet coloring posters and Beauty & the Beast sticker on scrapbook paper that she was cutting with her new "kids" scissors. She asked if I could make her hat, so I got started on it. It was cute, it's three shades of pink with white. It's cotton yarn, so it's not exactly my top choice for a hat, but she was so excited watching me start it. I finished it after she went to bed last night and surprised her with it when she woke up. Of course, she had to wear it today - at least this morning it was cool enough for a kid to wear a hat. (And, I matched her outfit to the hat - love her cute pink & black shirt)
When she realized I had more yarn left, she asked if I could make a scarf, so of course that's on my hook right now - just a basic dc scarf, nothing fancy. Maybe a fringe when I'm done if she wants it. She was so impatient about it, I caught her trying to crochet while I was cleaning!
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