Saturday, February 12, 2011

Foodie Friday: Gertrude Hawk Apples

I do understand that I'm a day late to actually write a Foodie Friday post, but I have been forgetting to blog about the amazing apples at Gertrude Hawk!

I am a sucker for a caramel apple with nuts, something about that sweet & salty mix makes me so happy.  Well, my sister-in-law has been telling me about the apples she gets at Gertrude Hawk and last time we were at the mall with her, she had to stop and get more, so we tried some too.  At 2 for $10, I think it's a great price and they have all different varieties to choose from.  Our first try was a chocolate-caramel-peanut apple and a "Smidgen apple" which was a peanut butter-caramel-chocolate dipped apple.  DELICIOUS! Of course, it was really a family treat, though I'm sure I could easily eat the entire apple in one sitting.  We just had "slices" for an after dinner treat, which lasted a few days.

Once again, we went to the mall to get something and decided that we needed to stop for more apples.  Unfortunately, the "smidgen apple" was just a test-run so they didn't have any this time, so we went with the caramel-chocolate dipped and the caramel-chocolate-peanuts.  They are so good!!

If you have a Gertrude Hawk store in your area and you haven't tried their apples, I urge you to try one!  You won't regret it :)

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