I've started perusing blogs lately and I've gotten inspired to start crocheting again. I'm so behind in making blankets that it's not even funny. I pretty much gave up on my craft for so long, but decided that it's really going to be nice to pick it up again. I was very inspired by a blog that I found, Attic24, and the Granny Stripe blanket, that I've decided to start with that one. Between reading her blog and looking around at other's such as Sarah London Textiles, I picked up some yarn and now the granny stripe is underway for my baby boy!
I decided to go with something that's not usual for babies - grey, pistachio green & white. I wanted something other than baby blue and pastel green. I'm really loving the way it looks - I've decided to go along with an "unpatterned" blanket - mixing up the order of the colors and the width of the stripes. BUT... it's been a while since I started a blanket that wasn't a pattern but rather started as a "replicate of..." so the blanket for Baby B is quite wide... maybe I'll make vertical stripes instead... we shall see.
But, now that I've started, I've already gotten a list. I need to make a blanket for my oldest nephew (he just turned 1) because I started one when his mommy was pregnant and it never got finished and he was a BIG boy and it was a small blanket, so I set it aside, unfinished. Once I'm done with my baby boy's blanket, I'll start the one for my nephew. I'm thinking of trying my hand at a rectangular granny for him.
After his, I'm going to make one for my sister-in-law's new baby, who is due between Christmas and New Year. Hopefully I can catch up, between work and two kids, and get the blankets done before the new little guy is born. I also want to make a few hats for my daughter, since she loves her hats and scarves. Luckily, my aunt will also make some with her Knifty Knitter if I don't get there in time.
Boy, I'm getting tired just thinking of my list! Hopefully I can break out my camera and take a few snapshots of my progress to share my creations and document my projects.
Thanks for your comment on my blog!! It's crazy how many of us are working on the Granny Stripe blanket! I would have to say that most of my crochet is done while sitting in the passenger seat of the car too. Can't wait to see how your blanket is going.